Saturday, March 05, 2011

Knowledge Series-How and wen to start investing

When to invest:
It's never too late or too early to start investing. The best time to invest is now. The 4 keys that could guide you regarding when to invest are:-
1.Start investing early- Start early and retire rich. Invest whatever you can today and move steadily towards a secure tomorrow.
2.Invest regularly- Invest regularly and methodically and let the magic of compounding work for you.
3.Never time the market- Be a smart investor. Always invest in time but never try to time the market. Timing the market is mastered by none and is beyond one's control.
4.Be patient- For long-term wealth creation, you need to be patient. The longer the investment horizon, the lesser is the risk and greater are the returns.
How to invest:
You toil hard to earn money and, therefore, it is important to invest it wisely. Ask yourself certain questions before deciding on how to invest:
1.What are your needs and financial goals? Do you need a regular income or want to buy a house or require funds for your child's education?
2.How much risk are you willing to take on? Can you withstand the volatilities in the capital market or are you satisfied with a low-risk, low-returns philosophy?
3.How soon do you need the money? Can you invest for a longer time-horizon or do you need money in the near future?
4.What are your cash flow requirements? Do you need a regular income or a lump sum amount after a certain period of time?

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